day thirty-four

spoilt gentry
3 min readApr 16, 2020

this Khruangbin set is quite the gem: it was recorded almost a year before their dub versions album was released — also, the versions on here aren’t the exact same as the ones eventually released (well, as far as I can tell after one listen: I didn’t complete a detailed comparison)

also, I listened to the below interview yesterday before falling asleep: predictably, Snowden makes similar arguments as I do about the possible risks of our current situation. “what is being built is the architecture of oppression” — this is 100% already happening in most countries to some degree or other

so let’s start Thursday, hooray

  • ([12:37] I’m dragging myself away from work to write. also, I’m definitely more tempted to smoke my joint earlier in the afternoon than on the previous days. being a junky is hard [I now went on a little trip in my own head where one day I get dragged over such a statement, because how dare I appropriate drug addiction, I’m just a privileged dude who smokes a bit of marijuana every now and again and genuinely think of my supplier as a friend of mine])
  • 6:30/6:50/7:00 — waking up and snoozing: my internal clock has now successfully adjusted to summer time
  • 7:30 — coffee ready, reading a bit before taking the dog out
  • 7:55–8:30 — walk the dog
  • 8:35–8:55 — yoga (“all is well and I feel safe”) and meditation
  • 9:00–11:15— calls and responding to Slack messages (first I wrote “Slacking” then I realised what’s happening. shame on you Slack for trying to turn a word into its antonym)
  • 11:15 —11:45 — coffee break and breakfast porridge. N told me about her conversation with her friend working in credit ratings and financial risk assessment: she is terrified about the possibility that she is in a front row seat watching the markets and the whole economy (as we know it) collapse
  • 12:41 — I sent a random message to my supplier to ask how he is doing, without the intention of trying to procure anything, just to prove to myself that we’re friends and this is more than just a business relationship arising from a need created by addictive tendencies of my personality
  • ([20:25]similar to yesterday, my plan to keep up with journal entries basically fell apart in the afternoon)
  • [23:40] 13:00–13:45 — lunch break [note: anywhere there is a gap in the schedule, that’s work or work related stuff]
  • 13:45–14:45 — after lunch nap. had to make up for my less than 8hrs sleep and lack of napping over the past days… (I’d like to know more about the impact of marijuana consumption on sleep)
  • 15:40 — afternoon filter coffee
  • 16:30 — first joint
  • 18:15–18:45 — nice informal catch up with a colleague. once again I was a bit overpowering and enjoyed hearing my own voice a bit too much. I probably make it worse by apologising for it after it happened. I should own it. or if I’m not comfortable owning it, I should shut up. sounds like a more mature approach
  • 18:45–20:00 — met N downstairs after her physio session. we left the dog home. went to have fried chicken for dinner. first date night in over a month
  • rest of the evening I checked work messages once more (maybe 20mins, won’t cross-check this time), rolled a tiny joint with mainly just CBD. we worked on the jigsaw puzzle (over 90% complete). watched two episodes of the Iliza Shlesinger sketch show and an episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. comedy is timeless
  • 22:55–23:15 — took the dog downstairs
  • 23:55 — I lost aim and depleted my motivation for today: no point in trying to write more. good night, sleep well dear me

